All you have to do is to follow the advice and put it into practice. And when you open up my ebook in your computer, you will discover:

A complete step-by-step guide to water conditions and how to easily maintain proper water quality (Pet turtles thrive when their temperature and water conditions are "just right"...unfortunately there is a ton of "wrong" information out there on how to do this. But, in "The Ultimate Guide to Pet Turtle Care" ebook you will find The "right" information on how to do this the right way)
Owning a pet turtle is a marvelously satisfying hobby that will not only provide you years of enjoyment, but may also have a calming effect on you after a hectic day at work

A "Do-Not-Buy-It Checklist" which includes 12 vitally important things to look for that you can bring with you when you go out for turtle shopping. (If you find any of these things in the turtle that you´re checking out, you simply don´t want to buy it - you move on and find a healthy one)
Simple but very important steps you MUST take before you introduce any new pet turtle to your old pet turtle

How to choose a healthy pet turtle from the pet store - little known things to look for that pet store owners don't want you to know about!
The surefire signs that will tell you if your turtle needs immediate action to ensure its health (This can actually save your pet´s life if you know what to look for)

An entire chapter devoted to nutrition and feeding of pet turtles, which are both absolutely vital to the overall success of keeping your pet healthy and happy
The most popular types of turtles that you can keep as pets (There are several key reasons why these types are the most popular)

4 of the most difficult types of pet turtles to care for (As a newbie pet turtle owner you may want to avoid buying any of these types)
How to choose the right type of lighting for your turtle (If you choose the wrong type of lighting it can end up killing your pet)

How to prevent your pet turtle from ever getting too hot or too cold (This can be very dangerous if not done the right way)
17 essential characteristics you should look for when you buy your pet turtle (These are surefire signs telling you that you have a great pet in front of you)

A must-do check list to prepare the housing area for your pet turtle (This is very important for your pet´s health and overall happiness)
A crash course on heaters and thermometers (Keeping your water at the right temperature is one of the most important things you can do for your pet turtle)

All about the health of your pet turtle including tips on how to recognize some of the more common diseases
How to easily change the water in your turtle tank aquarium - the right way

6 of the easiest pet turtles to care for (Key Information for newbie turtle pet owners)